Sunday, January 31, 2021

I'm Gay


On October 31st of 2020, I married a wonderful, sweet woman that for the first time made me re-question my sexuality. My connection with her exceeds anything I've had with any man or any other woman I've ever been with. I now know where I was meant to be. For this reason, this shall be my last post on this blog. 

 I do hope it does help any straight women that are frustrated with the kink world and are trying to find their way. I hope men can learn to be better partners, not just kink obsessive, selfish dicks.You can be better for the women in your lives. And if you choose not to, there's always LesbianTikTok for the women that might find that a better option.

Men, you no longer have the option to fail. You can be replaced. Get your shit together. More and more women are discovering they're far more fluid than they thought. 

But, I'm not fluid. I was seeking male approval I didn't get in my childhood. Take that however you wish. I've never been sexually attracted to men, you all were just easy to get in bed and I was horny as fuck. I took that temporary high as approval. It just ended as quick as the orgasm. So, I thought I could mold you all into something you aren't. Can't do that either.

I can't see the point of you anymore.