Monday, September 19, 2011

How Not to Approach a Domme... or Any Woman Online Part 3

I received this message today on collarme.  Yah yah I know I should just delete this account.  I never log in so I sort dismissed the need to... anyway, when messages like the following pop up, I see it as a mass learning experience.  See the following:

I'm a sub looking to find the right one to give myself to. I always strive to do everything I can to please the one I am serving. I can be a personal attendant, errand boy, maid, furniture, or anything else my Mistress might need. My limits are few and far between, as I believe the property of the one I am serving belongs to them, and they should decide what is done with me.
I especially enjoy giving myself up to strong, powerful, demanding women who know exactly what they want. If you think you might have any sort of use for me, I'd be honored to hear back from you.

In the first in this series of posts I discussed the generic emails that I have received in the past and the casting of wide nets.  This is a prime example of one of these letters.  Note that this person made absolutely no mention of anything in my profile, offered no distinguishing information to make it clear his interest was in me,  and spoke in as broad and general terms as possible.  He clearly is fishing.

While I understand that it would take a lot of time to write an individualized letter for someone that may never respond, it seems like your chances of getting a response should increase significantly if you did.  I'd like to think that women are smart enough to see through this.  Maybe I'm wrong since men still continue to do this.

This actually reminds me of the man that goes around the bar or party asking each woman if she will have sex with him.  While he may get slapped a lot, he must succeed often enough that he continues the tactic....

So perhaps my plead here has to start with the ladies.  Gals, please do not respond to this type of email no matter what he promises you.  A guy willing to send out this type of garbage email is does not and will never value you.  Have a bit more dignity than to honor this douchecanoe with more your time than he deserves.  He's out to use someone to have his fantasies fulfilled, nothing more.

If you haven't already, please answer a few questions for me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

As Requested: My Perfect Partner

My perfect partner is strong but soft, deeply intellectual but tempered with emotional intelligence, may not be model attractive but has kind features and the attitude to match, sexy but not sex-obsessed, proud of his accomplishments but humble with me, refuses to be a doormat but wants to give me the world, understands and expresses his emotions, welcomes my support but isn't a chronic whiner, expects the best out of me but doesn't tear me down if I fail sometimes, would gladly spend every waking minute with me but grudgingly heads off to work responsibly, must touch some part of me at all times but doesn't make me feel like it's always leading somewhere, has an artistic side but doesn't want to be a starving artist (not accounting for the current nightmare recession), has a dry British sense of humor but knows when it is NOT appropriate to make a joke, has something to teach me but realizes he has even more to learn from me, treats my love everyday as a gift he doesn't deserve but accepts my reassurance that he does, willing to let his guard down to meld with me on many levels and doesn't run because he feels something.

He would have to be able to handle my sensitivity with grace and tact.  He'd have to be able to think through the implications of his words, yet convince me over time that I need not over think because I know he means well.  He needs to get me to trust him with my whole being.  He needs to earn that every moment of every day.

He has to go where he says he's going.  Call me when he is going to be late.  Be apologetic if late.  Explain the delay, and ask for my forgiveness.  Preferably bring flowers.  And he should NEVER stand me up (ie. you better be dead or have a relative die for you not show up).

He should always be thinking about how to make me happy.  He should learn my needs through our conversations, and he should put those needs ahead of his own.

In a fight, he should NOT fly off the handle.  He should not say things he can't take back.  He should not storm off, rave like a lunatic, or make every fight an excuse to try to end the relationship.  He should focus on calming me down, not me have to chase him to calm him down.  He should listen to reason just as easily as listening to my feelings about things (even things he's done wrong).

He should not want/need a "night out with the boys", but rather want to involve me in whatever activities I want to be involved in.  He shouldn't want to "get away" from me.  He should want to participate in my activities as well.

If we talk about a matter we disagree on, he should not try to overpower me to win the argument but rather use gentle, humble reasoning to win me over.  Aggression in a man is not attractive at home.  A little sexual aggression is acceptable, however, but he has to learn when and how much.

He should wish to hug me tightly in bed at night, and not prefer to have been alone.  He should want to share all of himself with me, all his thoughts, his hopes and dreams, his needs and desires, his fears,  his ambitions, everything....  AND he should listen to the same from me as well.... whenever I need to share it.

He should let me in to see him as he really is, and not the facade he portrays to the rest of the world.  He should want that we be one in every way that is conceivably possible for two humans, and not strive to keep his autonomy.  He should accept my leadership the way I naturally lead, and not how he's been fantasizing it should occur.

He should accept his place as my first mate (sailing lingo).  He should take primary role in the kitchen as sous chef.  He should be prepare to do at least half of the household chores, and preferably the ones I find most distasteful.  He should fetch me things when I need them.  He should be the one to shut out the light at night.  He should be prepared to wear some symbol beyond a wedding band that shows my ownership.  He should put me and the health of the couple first, in his thoughts, his actions, his ambitions.

He should not be selfish.  He should be honorable.  He should believe in helping those less fortunate.  He should donate, volunteer, or both.  He should believe that honesty is the best policy (but be wise enough to know when to temper honesty with tact).  He should love his mother, have a good role model in his father, or at least strive to make up for either.  He should be agnostic, or at least be able to defend a position of faith with something other than circular logic.  He should honor his culture but value universal human rights.  He should give up his seat on the bus for the elderly.  He should strive to know more and to be more than he is.  He should read.  He should be okay with sharing the big spoon/little spoon positions.

How Not to Approach a Domme... or Any Woman Online Part 2

If this is pic resembles your behavior when chatting, messaging, emailing, or in any way contacting a woman without her express permission for you to do so, you are behaving completely contrary to being the respectful, subby you claim to be.  If you troll collarme or some other sites looking for any woman to talk to for wank material,  you are a manipulative, self-centered user.  You are NOT, I repeat NOT, a SUBMISSIVE.  What you are doing is akin to abuse, and something women all over the net need to become aware of.

The term "time-waster" is sort of an umbrella term for lots of douchebag behavior, including but not limited to: wasting someone's time with promises for meeting but never intending to and wasting someone's time for wank purposes.  But that sounds so much more benign than it actually is.  This is deliberate manipulation for sexual purposes... sounds a bit like rape, doesn't it?  Maybe not quite that severe but I definitely see it as destructive, manipulative,  abusive, selfish, and exploitive.

Women are aware that men like this are out there.  They talk all the time about how annoyed they are that they got "duped" again by some asshole that wasted their night only to not live up to their promises. Often women will try to "feel out" the situation hoping to catch the wanker before he gets to finish, thereby ruining his good time.

I, for one, as completely disgusted with this behavior.  It's one thing if you seek out chatrooms where two people meet with the same agenda, it's something entirely else if you are using someone's time to beat your pud.  Shame on you, reader, if you have done this to anyone.

I'm so tired of this behavior that I'm trigger happer.  I rip into anyone speaking even hypothetically about sex.  It's unfortunate, but true.  I just don't trust men online anymore until they prove themselves to not be an asshole.

I can't tell you how many times I got used over the years on collarme because I was too naive to understand what was going on.  I'd get a message for a guy with no profile or half a profile looking to "talk" and inevitably the discussion would lead to likes and dislikes (the real wankers usually looking to skip right to the end).  This would just as quickly lead to a sudden disappearance act or a "I've got to go but I'll talk to you soon" (reminiscent of "I'll call you").  And that would be it.  He'd disappear, maybe even block me.  And while I was attempting to open up to this person I thought was seeking my conversation, he was using me for a good time.  So I think quite fairly I've become quite a bit guarded.

I laid into a guy recently for talking about male orgasm (Tantric teachings) with me, partially because he told me something I already know as if he was teaching me something (which irritates the hell out of me), but mostly because he said that not ejaculating was going to make my partner "more submissive" and that he's want to "provide me with ritual oral" every morning.  DID I OR DID I NOT make it clear in MANY posts thus far that I do NOT agree with the FLR orgasm denial bullshit?  DID I OR DID I NOT mention that I don't think that sex has ANYTHING to do with being in charge?  So either he didn't bother to read my entire blog or he was looking to start a conversation about sex with me.  This sends up flaming red flags, and I admittedly blasted him... probably unnecessarily.  Still he was out of line to assume I didn't know what he knew.  That's hubris, and I won't have it.

For the record, I don't want sex every day.  I want it when I want it.... which varies and is perhaps more than the average but by no means as often as an "everyday ritual".  Good grief.  Did I not say I don't want a regimented lifestyle?  Ya know, reader, it would be wise to brush up on what I have talked about in the past to not piss me off in email....  just a thought.

Please take a few minutes to answer my survey if you haven't already:
I'm going to keep mentioning it until you answer it so you might as well get it over with.  It doesn't take that long, and this one doesn't require you to sign up.

Friday, September 9, 2011

How Not to Approach a Domme... or Any Woman Online

If there are any ladies reading this, I'm sure I will get a collective "amen" to this one...

I can't count how many emails, dating site messages, et cetera I've gotten since, I dunno, 2004-ish that sounded like a madlibs job application/cover letter:

"I really liked your profile/blog.  You sound like a _________ person.

I have been looking for a woman exemplifies _________, _________, and _________.  I also enjoy _______, ________, and _______.   Perhaps we could meet sometime at ________ over a glass/cup of _____."

If this is how you go about online dating it's really no wonder why you haven't been successful.  If you have been casting the wide proverbial net to random attractive women on the internets then you deserve to fail.

Finding a life partner is not like a database query.  You don't enter variables and expect to have connection with someone.  Human chemistry is something you can neither predict nor force.  It's not a mathematical equation.

So what's the problem with diversifying, you ask?  (Nothing if you are buying stocks.)  I shows you aren't really interested in any of the women you have contacted.  And we know that.  We can tell from the tone of the email.  It sounds like a form letter.  You might as well put "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern" cuz it sure sounds like that already.

If you like something I've written here on my blog and you would like to approach me, how about writing to me and telling me just that?  Tell me what you liked and why.  Tell me why you dis/agree and what you think about the same subject.  Then move into something more personal.  It at least shows me that you are actually reading what I write.

Do not, however, assume that you know anyone simply by their writings.  Filling in gaps with your own wishful thinking will only make for a very distorted picture.  I, for example, am honestly not as angry as I appear in many of my posts.  This is a venting space for my grievances, often at specific individuals.

Please take the time to answer a few questions in a very short survey I've created.  It should take you all of 5 minutes max.  [edit:]  Just click the link provided.