Monday, April 18, 2011

More on the Spheres of Dominance

After some comments from a trusted friend, I rethought the Spheres of Dominance model a bit and decided that a Venn diagram would be more appropriate because each of these spheres does interact with the other ones in at some moderate amount.

I suppose how much you feel the interaction of the individual spheres depends on your world view, religion, etc.  While I agree they aren't entirely divorced from one another I'd say that someone's bedroom proclivities has very little to do with how they function in the public world but probably much more to do with how they interact in private relationships.

Perhaps if Christian fundamentalists drew this diagram it would look more like a concentric circle diagram with all circles completely contained within the others.  They frequently argue that what happens in the bedroom and private realm will destroy all of society if it doesn't fit their neat and tidy 1950's nuclear family model, whether or not that's actually biblically supported is another matter entirely.

I think most of us liberals would say that for example gay marriage would only affect society in a positive way as it would promote more tolerance of differences.  We could say the same for kink acceptance as well.

Anyway, to be continued...


  1. Interesting post. I'm curious as to the general opinions out there on whether submissive men and dominant women should be open about their true roles in their relationships? Do you think it's acceptable to reveal to others that you're living in a female led relationship?


  2. in the interest of redefining masculinity, yes, I think men should "man up" and be bold about who they are. The more people that know someone that is actively in or seeking this type of relationship the more people learn to accept.

  3. Do you think society is ready for this kind of revelation? What about reaction from colleagues and family? What do you think this would mean to john and other menbwho followed this path? Would they be accepting?

  4. People need to be shocked to get over it. The sooner people starting being authentic about their own lives the sooner they will see acceptance. I didn't gain acceptance for being dominant by pretending to be submissive. I damn well remained true to myself and society be damned. You might surprise yourself. You might find you were never fooling anyone to begin with.
