Sunday, April 10, 2011

Penis Obsession

I read a very interesting interview on SubmissiveProud of what he calls a "Fierce Feminist".  She says about misconceptions about dominant women: "That we are as enamored with your penis [and the control of it] as you are. There are of course variances from woman to woman but I have never met a woman, vanilla or otherwise, who really gave a lot of thought to her man's penis without first being prompted by her male partner... Men do more than enough of that sort of obsessing for the both of them."  I couldn't agree more!  Every sub I talk to wants to know what I want to do with their penis.  This gets back to my post about men setting the tone for the expectations of a dominant woman and how, I think, men see submission as a sexual act and women see it as meekness, humbleness.

According to Mirriam-Webster submission is the following:

  1. a : a legal agreement to submit to the decision of arbitrators & b : an act of submitting something (as for consideration or inspection); also : something submitted (as a manuscript)
  2. : the condition of being submissive, humble, or compliant
  3. : an act of submitting to the authority or control of another
Here is the problem.  I think men see submission as partly definition number one with the "act of submitting something" for consideration, inspection & definition number three the "act of submitting to control" and that something is their anatomy.  While men aren't understanding the definition wrong, they aren't really offering most of us women something we really care about.  Yes, of course, we prefer a man not spend all day wanking or thinking about sex with other women.  Certainly, we want say over the amount and types of sex we explore in the bedroom.  Do we really want to monitor your penis all day?  No.

I had the recent ex wear a chastity device to work.  I didn't really need worry that he was porking someone at the office but the device just made it so I don't need to even think about that possibility.  I could then think even less about penis than I already did... not much at all.  And while I did enjoy occasionally teasing him with it on,  it wasn't to cause him pain for my benefit.  It was most a test of my attractiveness.  So I got news for the boys, I made it all about me and not you.

Submission for most women is mostly definition number two: meekness, humbleness.  When we want a submissive man, we are seeking for a man to be humble and compliant.  And while some see penis control as a means to that end, I feel that that doesn't really work in the long run.  I really don't think penis has anything to do with it.  The penis-oriented submission is what men like for arousal purposes.  They are tickling their own pickle with the idea of submitting their penis for inspection, rejection, and abuse.  They aren't learning how to be better men because of it.  They are only getting what they want: to get off.

The pro-domme/pr0n industry is catering to this fantasy.  The guys that wank to this stuff most often go back to "their normal selves" once the wanking is done.  They keep thinking if the abuse was a little longer or the penis control was more constant in their lives that they can carry this pickle tickle into their daily lives and the arousal state will be longer and more intense.  Do you see anything in there about what they want to do for the women they claim to worship?  Nope.  Why?  They aren't worshipping women.  They are worshipping the arousal state and the object that provides it.  And I chose the word "object" very carefully.

So I argue that M/s relationships cannot, most often, provide women with the submission they are seeking from men simply because it isn't genuine.  Even if they do all the things that she asks of him, the intention is not there.  The intention is for himself primarily.  

We don't need to settle for this as I saw many do on She Makes the Rules.  I completely disagree that women get one thing and men get another and that's okay.  It's not okay to live disingenuous lives.  Men need to learn what true humbleness is and that no amount of paddling is going to create it.  And if they aren't interested without the kink/penis element, then they aren't submissive and should stop pretending for it to be.  

I actually had some guy tell me that he saw submissiveness as a sexual-orientation.  That about sums it up for me.  Ladies, we are often barking up the wrong tree and it is hard many times to tell whether you are dealing with a masochist or true submissive.  Believe me, I know.  I think, in general, we need to stop seeking men on places like collarme, even if we do have some kink interests.  The right man will be open to bedroom things as well.  It's far better that he not come to the table with that being his primary reason for looking for a relationship in the first place.


  1. Well said. Submissive men - self included - need to be less penis-oriented and more Woman-focused. You're absolutely right on everything you said. It's refreshing to hear such eloquence on the topic. Thank you!


  2. Thanks, john. It's also refreshing to see a man admit it instead of acting all defensive. Good boy.

  3. TrueDomme,

    When I read this I started to feel defensive, I mean, I bend over backwards for my wife to earn one orgasm a month (on average). Whats wrong with that?

    But on reflection, I have to admit a large part of my submission is that one orgasm or a cuddle or a kiss from her, and the longer it has been the more obediant and attentive I am.

    This post from you is a good wake-up call to remind me that I need to be attentive to her because she is my superior and for her happiness, not that one monthly orgasm.

    Thank You!


  4. If you don't like penises, there is an easy way to insure that you won't have to be troubled by them: just limit your relationships to women partners only. Problem solved. Right?

  5. @Cheffy Good job. I'm proud of you for recognizing that within yourself.

    @BD Most women would be lesbians if it was about loving penis. No woman dreams about penis all day. No woman is aroused simply by the site of it. It's the man attached that matters. Women don't readily objectify men the way men do to women. So, wrong. What the hell makes you think women date men for cock? Don't you know that most women don't cum from penetration alone?

  6. There is of course a very special joy and satisfaction in selfless service. Truly, nothing beats loving beyond lust and arousal.

  7. OMG! You are COMPLETELY right!!!
